The Addison
The Addison turns the N/W facing corner of a significant Inner West intersection and connects to a rear laneway via a thru site pedestrian link. The 3 outward facing façades address each frontage with a perforated block edge form. The curved corner element, rounded edges to the indented recesses, lineal brick and projected detailing pays homage to the Art Deco Hotel and Industrial heritage of the area.
The north facing Addison Rd façade relates to the immediate context of 5 federation shop top houses by expressing individual commercial entries on the ground floor; brick detailing of vertical party walls
above the suspended steel awnings. Retail street activation is achieved despite a 1m flood control freeboard required to the street.
The site masterplan provides a quality urban design outcome. The proposed mixed use typology provides ‘shop top housing’ and the residential entry and inward facing shops activate a landscaped
ground floor courtyard which is visible from both streets. The floor plan pin wheels around this courtyard with a 3 level light well.
Residential winter gardens help to mitigate road and flight path noise and activate the facades. The material palette is spare, durable materials in their natural state enhance the curved forms of the
building and the effect of the landscape. The cross-over rooftop apartments are metal clad and set back from the parapet. These naturally ventilated, attic pavilions look over a foreground of quilted tiled
rooftops to district views.
Location Marrickville
Imagery AN+A